Consultant Cardiology

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Job Description

Job Description: 

Supervising all activities and problems related to cardiology and Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory Department in the hospital. Liaise with the other departments and the administration to achieve the highest possible quality of medical service to the patient.
The Consultant is the link between his department and the administration. He raises all matters, problems and difficulties in the department to the administration, and from the other side he assures the achievement of the administration policy in the department.
Running the outpatient clinic in two sessions a day for six days/week. Alternation with the other Consultant Cardiologist in receiving new cases in the Outpatient clinic.
Having rounds to in-patient departments twice daily for six days a week. Alternates with the other consultant cardiologist in covering second on-call duties for 24 hours.
Performing clinical procedures as required e.g. Cardiac Catheterization. Participating in different committees as required e.g. Infection Control,  Continuing Education, Safety and Performance Improvement programs to keep updated with the current practices.
Planning the policy of work in the department. Sharing with administration, through staff meetings in making plans for the work of the hospital in general.
Evaluating the performance of work of the junior staff. Evaluating the progress of work in the hospital in general.
The high quality of work in the hospital in a good challenge by itself to the practitioner, and is a strong drive for him to up-date his knowledge and refine his skill by attending meeting, conferences and lectures whenever chances arise.
The consultants will participate and attend the hospital doctor’s meeting held fort-nightly for clinical cases presentation by the different departments.

Job Requirements: 
  • Shall be a member of Royal College of Physicians in UK/Europe or equivalent qualification from a Western Country.
  • Current license to practice medicine.
  • Minimum of five years experience as Consultant Cardiologist in a large hospital.
  • Must speak and write English language fluently.
Job Benefits: 
  • High Salary 25%-45% from the revenue
  • Percentages from the annual turnover
  • Permanent and part time contracts
  • Flexible working hours (even weekends and bank holidays)
  • Free medical care & emergency dental care
  • Free Malpractice Insurance
  • Ticket restaurant 8€/day and other working benefits
  • Support for the licensing in France
  • On place support with all administrative and other issues including e.g. housing, schools for children, etc

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