Face to face interviews will be conducting in London on 9th November 2019 for all grades nurses working in UK.
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Interviews for medical doctors in Buenos Aires, 14-16 December 2019 for the best paid jobs in Saudi Arabia
We are pleased to announce that governmental hospitals of Saudi Arabia will conduct interviews in London on 26-27th October in order to hire doctors.
Sources say visas will be open to citizens of about 50 countries and will have a 90-day duration.
We are happy to announce that the public hospitals of Saudi Arabia will conduct interviews in Athens on 11-12 October in order to hire doctors for all the regions of Saudi Arabia.
We are pleased to announce that the King Salman Armed Forces Hospital in Tabuk of Saudi Arabia is hiring male doctors.
We are happy to announce you that Cosem Medical Group, the biggest private medical group in Paris, France, will conduct interviews on 25-27 September to hire Medical Doctors and Dentists, with and without working experience for their outpatient clinics.
We are pleased to announce that on 8-9 June 2019 a new round of interviews will be held in London by governmental hospitals of Saudi Arabia to hire doctors in Jeddah and Western Region.
We are happy to announce that on 12-14th April 2019 a new round of interviews will be held in Athens by the Mouwasat Medical Group to hire doctors for their hospital in Khobar.
We are happy to announce that on 5-6 April 2019 a new round of interviews will be held in Athens by governmental hospitals of Saudi Arabia to hire doctors in Taif and Aljouf.